miercuri, iunie 17, 2009

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It's a very interesting documentary about the distructive effect of humans on planet Earth. The enviroment is degrading more and more each day, and the measures humanity takes to prevent this are inefficient or none at all. It seems that even the most pessimistic predictions of scientists are better than what is actually happening.

In this documentary it is stated that we have only about 10 years to take measures to prevent catastrofical climate changes. Some of them are already manifesting : global warming, the melting of the ice caps, the extinction of numerous species of plants and animals, the depletion of planet's resources, etc.

Every thing that man does has a local effect, as well as a global effect. A short term effect, and a long term effect. Unfortunately, people usually think about short term and local effects, and very little about the other 2 types.

Human intelligence is in vain if it's not used together with wisdom. Intelligence is much more dangerous than stupidity when it's used for selfish or distructive reasons.
We use our intelligence to create useless things, distructive weapons to kill each other, new substances that poison the enviroment, but we fail to achieve our full potential in creating positive changes. We refuse to realize that most of our actions have a distructive effect on the planet's ecosystem.

We are so blinded by our greed and egotism that we are unable to really understand that the destruction of the ecosystem will inevitably lead to the distruction of the human race. We are not wise enough to realize that it will all come back against us. What goes around will eventually come around.

The people who have the power to start the necessary change in humanity's mad plunge towards self distruction are the global elite (large corporations CEO's, state leaders, religios leaders, trend setters, etc.). But, in the end, the change must come in each of us, and everyone must do something to fix this.

What can we do to change things?
  • First of all, we must realize that every action has global and long term effects. This may be the most difficult thing to do
  • Second, we must use the planet's resources with moderation. The civilized countries' citizens consume the most of the planet's resources. What moderation means is to eliminate wasted resources : electricity, water, fuel, plastic, paper, glass, metal, etc. Then, we have to recycle as much as possible from the resources we use.
  • Third, we have to raise awarness in our leaders, by showing them this kind of information. They have the power to start the change.
The film is available here (embedding is disabled by request):

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